Monday, 14 January 2013

Can a Management College Prepare you for Life

We live in a competitive world today. There is a lot of competition around us and we need to stay sharp to stay ahead. Of course, education does the job well enough, but we also need to develop ourselves completely. Attending the best management colleges in Mumbai will only teach you the theoretical aspects of the working world, which is never enough. We also need to focus on attending seminars and workshops, playing sports, socializing and any other activity that can help us grow our personalities. It is important to remember that formal education is never enough to prepare for the real world.

All the people you will encounter in your will be very different from each other. This is why it is important to be sharp and observant. We should learn from every experience and improvise and fine tune ourselves along the way. It is also important to stay on top of the game by saying the right thing at the right time, especially when cracking deals and making first impressions. All this knowledge comes with experience and by putting in constant conscious effect towards self-improvement.

This subject can be best explained with an example. Let us assume that you have been a brilliant student all your life and that you attended one of the best management colleges in Mumbai. There are many types of management courses available such as hospitality management, finance management and so on. Let us assume that you have attended a hospitality management college in Mumbai. Your college will teach you how to talk to people and take care of people, but it will all be textbook knowledge. We all know that life never runs by the textbook. 

However, management colleges do prepare us for life on a certain level. Whatever profession we’re into, our formal education gives us prior knowledge on what we’re going to face in that profession. For example, if you do an MBA from a well-known institute, your course will teach you everything that you will cover in your professional life, but on a broader spectrum. Learning, growing and getting better at your field is up to you. This is where all the above mentioned points come into the picture.

So to sum it all up, you might attend the best courses in the best management colleges in Mumbai, but nothing will prepare you for life better than on job training and life experiences. Hence, it is important to focus on all aspects of life in order to evolve our overall personality. However, this does not bring down the importance of a good education. A good education defines the base for who we are and what we do and hence, it is important to seek education and knowledge on a broad scale.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Picking the Right Career for Yourself

Education is one of the most important things in our lives. It involves studies, sports as well as overall personality development. Education determines the kind of citizens we would become and the quality of lives we would lead. Hence, it is important to pursue the best education possible in order to build a successful career and to become a better person. It all starts with formal education. In a country like India, a student has to go through nursery, school, junior college, graduation and post-graduation, in that particular order. This journey involves making a lot of choices and asking a lot of questions such as “Which career is the right one for me?” and “Which are the best MBA colleges in Mumbai?” 

Although these choices can be quite difficult to make, they are what affect our lives the most. The subject and college we choose determine what we learn and in turn decide our careers. The best thing to do when picking a career for oneself is to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. This is important in terms of job satisfaction and contentment. If you do something you like, then doesn’t feel like work at all. On the other hand, if you’re doing something you don’t like, you’ll end up being frustrated all your life. This frustration will later start spilling into the other aspects of your life like relationships, etc.

Now, before making career choices, make sure you do your research thoroughly. Different universities or colleges are known to specialize in different courses. It is no point taking up a course in a particular college if that college doesn’t have a good faculty to teach that subject. Hence, you should find out which colleges offer the best MBA courses in the subject that you’re interested in. For example, if you are interesting in doing an MBA course in your city, make sure you look for the best MBA colleges in Mumbai. This will make sure that you get the best education possible in your line of interest.

Apart from formal education, it is also important to become socially educated. There are a lot of people, who are highly educated, but lack civil as well as common sense. Such people are known as ‘educated fools’. Attending the best school or the best MBA colleges in Mumbai is not enough. It is important to become a good person, regardless of the profession you’re in and this can only be achieved by developing your overall personality. Hence, overall education is what one should look for. These are basic guidelines to pick the right career path for oneself and excel in it. So go ahead and build yourself a successful and exciting career.