Tuesday, 29 October 2013

3 Great Morning Habits to Help Jump Start a Productive Day!

You may have read the humorous saying by Glen Cook that- “Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.”! For many night owls it surely holds true, as we stumble out of bed with just enough time to shower, get dressed and rush out the door as we steel ourselves for a long commute to our offices, schoolsor management colleges in Mumbai. While we may work hard to achieve dreams and do well at jobs or our studies, did you know that often the most productive and successful people are those that rise early and have a proper morning routine in place.

Getting a good start to the day can really jump start your entire day and have you feeling energetic, motivated and refreshed to face what is to come ahead. Here are a few things you should aim to incorporate in to your morning routine. Waking up earlier will definitely be worth it! -

Exercise – Working out every day is a must according to most medical professionals the world over. The benefits of exercise have been talked about over and over again and range from a whole host of physical benefits like keeping your weight in check, maintaining good cardiovascular health and much much more. It also plays a big part in keeping mental health at its best by improving your mood, helping you feel energized and happy and is a big stress buster. Few things are as good to boost productivity in a day like a good workout to start it off. Besides, we all know how easy it is to make excuses and skip out on exercise at the end of a long and tiring day. Scheduling a good workout right in the AM, whether it is an hour of yoga, a run in the park or a bike ride, can do wonders to make you fresh, alert and active and help keep lethargy at bay when you need to be productive. And after a challenging run or a killer set of squats, tackling studying or a file at work seems like a breeze! Also try and sneak in a few moments of meditating or just restful calm to center yourself before you head out.

Have a good breakfast – A lot of us run out the front door without even managing to finish a cup of tea and leave hassled and often hungry and cranky. A hearty and healthy breakfast is one of the best lifestyle habits you can incorporate and is essential for your health and well being. Even if you don't have time to sit down for a long drawn out breakfast try and at least have a healthy fiber filled bowl of cereal or a couple of fruits or a smoothie or sandwich to start the day.  A filling and healthy breakfast will give you a boost of energy and let you concentrate on tasks at hand rather than focussing on your empty and grumbling tummy. It will help tide you over till lunch time and prevent for a binge during lunch break, that often leaves you super lethargic and dull in the afternoons.

Chalk out your day – One of the keys to a productive and fulfilling day where you manage to finish all you need to do is to visualize and chalk out the day mentally or in a list if you prefer, at the start of your day. Plan out your day, what all you need to do and a workable schedule in manageable chunks for the entire day. This will help you feel a lot more confident and actually help you get things done, rather than running around all day frazzled and stressed out.

A good start can make for a much calmer and more productive day!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The Many Pros and Cons of Studying in Mumbai!

One of the most bustling cities in the world, Mumbai is not only a popular city for students in India but those looking for some international exposure as well. Scores of people migrate to this metro every year for academic and professional reasons and it is definitely a huge melting pot of races, classes, nationalities and more. Studying in a city like Mumbai comes with its own set of advantages and challenges and yet the experience can be unique, fun and extremely exciting. It is no wonder then that so many students from around the country come to this challenging city to do graduate and post graduate courses like MBAs in Mumbai.
MBA students in Mumbai

If you are considering moving here to further your academic and career goals, here are a few pros and cons to keep in mind -


It is a centre for professional spheres – Mumbai is known as the financial centre of the country and you will find loads of large financial institutions, gigantic international MNCs and a plethora of companies with their bases here. It is buzzing with commercial activity of all kinds and even the retail sector is booming. Similarly, the media industry too is massive in this city with one of the biggest film industries, TV industry and other media institutions developed here as well as a highly evolving arts scenario. Therefore, for students looking to get into diverse fields, few other cities offer the sheer variety of career paths and opportunities that Mumbai does.

It is a cosmopolitan city – Much like New York city, Mumbai too is known for its cosmopolitan environment and populous. From the jet setters to the average Joe and every one in between, the citizens of this vast metropolis are diverse and a veritable melting pot. It contains a fascinating mix of cultures, religions and lifestyles that is amazing to experience and be a part off. More so because they all seem to co-exist in harmony for the most part!

You could have an enriched student life – Whether you come to do your under graduate studies or an advanced MBA in Mumbai, the student life is tough to beat. With a vast variety of recreational and educational options here, students have the chance to try, do and experience a number of things that many other smaller towns won't offer. Not only are there amazing places to eat and hang out at but also a rich theatre scene, a plethora of courses and classes catered to all aspects of life from spiritual well being to physical health and much, much more. Besides students also have  more access to intern-ships and job opportunities in plum companies and meet a number of students and mentors from diverse backgrounds and professional streams.


It can be expensive – The popularity of living and studying in a city like Mumbai comes with a flip side. It can be prohibitively expensive with housing prices and student fees being among the highest in the country. Many students find that the costs of renting a house here, even on a sharing basis, is often one that can really be a burden to their budgets. And although there are relatively inexpensive options for recreation and leisure options as well, it is definitely not a city where your money takes you very far.

Commuting can be troublesome – Those coming from smaller cities and towns, are often shocked at  how vast Mumbai seems and how ever expanding the city limits are. Personal preferences as well as cost factors may leave you staying pretty far from where you are studying and some find the commuting with the traffic and sheer number of people a real hassle. A long commute often eats into your time and budget as well. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Tips to Help You Manage Post Graduate Studies While Working

Post graduate studies often come at a time when you are itching to start work. When you are at an age where responsibilities start rearing their head, either personal or financial, or you simply want a head start on the career goals you have been dreaming about. People also often opt to go in for post graduate courses like part time and executive MBAs from MBA institutes in Mumbai once they have already started working in order to help them advance at the work place.

Working while continuing to study or picking it up again mid way has become fairly acceptable now days and often looked upon favorably by employers as well. While some work places may offer you more leeway where studying and time management is concerned, most do not. It can often become quite a task managing both studying and working in an efficient and productive manner. If you have a part time job it can be considerably easier, but add a full time job, responsibilities at home and a heavy course load with post graduate studies and it can get to be a lot.

Here are a few ways that might help you juggle the two worlds better -

Pick the right kind of course – Firstly, before you even begin applying to post graduate courses at MBA institutes inMumbai and other vocational courses, assess how much time you truly have to devote to studying in order to make the most of your course. If you must work, ensure that you find courses that are part time, online or even catered to working professionals such as yourself that offer more flexibility in terms of course load and time constraints. Although these kinds of courses may take longer than a full time one of the same stream, they are ideal for when you want to keep professional and academic aspirations burning at the same time. Flexibility is essential and consider courses and institutes that will help you with deferring opportunities in times of heavy work load as well as a class and semester schedule that is paced well.
MBA- Masters in Business Administration

Cut out on travel time – Studying in big cities usually means a large portion of your time per day simply goes in commuting from one place to the next. If possible find an institute offering the post graduate course you want within a reasonable distance from your work place or home. This will help you direct all that time you spend commuting to more worthwhile pursuits at school or the work place or simply to get some studying done. If moving is an option, consider relocating closer to where the two lie. Another option to cut down on travel time altogether is to opt for online courses that give you the freedom to work on your studies as and when you please.

Start your day earlier – Studying after a hard day at work is often a herculean task. You are often tired, grumpy and just disinterested by the time you finish your work for the day and yet have to tackle stuff at home too. Try and wake up earlier than you usually do and get jobs done before your day begins. Aim to finish at least some part of your homework or house work, whichever works better for you, in the early mornings before you head to work.

Be mentally prepared – Being prepared for the hard work to come goes a long way in helping you manage the stress later. Know that there will be times that you will have to sacrifice fun plans in lieu of your responsibilities and remember it is for the greater good. That being said once in a while carve out some 'me' time from your hectic schedule to regroup, re-motivate and unwind before you begin again.