Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Part Time MBA- A Boon for Working Couples

If you have recently tied the knot, then you know of all the extra pressure that comes with starting a new life. Things like setting up a new home, managing the new expenses, working around each other’s busy schedules and managing your finances can be all very overwhelming if not planned well. Now if you have been married for a long time and are used to you and your spouse bringing in a fixed income, then your finances will be in order. But what if one of you decides to become a student again, go back to school and get a degree? This sudden change in thought may have either come from a willingness to change your career, keep your options open or deciding after years of contemplation to actually take on a post graduate course. Your decision is no longer just about you; you need to think about how it will affect your family’s day to day life. You do, however, have the option to learn and earn at the same time. Part Time MBA may just be your answer.

With Part Time MBA, you can finally get that degree you always wanted. But learning and earning at the same time and being a spouse and having a home to look after can make your life super hectic and frustrating. It is very important to plan things, especially if there are kids in the picture. Remember that you have willingly laid out your plate and put everything on it. So just getting overwhelmed by it is not going to help you enjoy your family life, have good work days and get the most of your management course. Here are some quick tips to balance all areas of your life while pursuing a Part Time MBA.

·      Divide the chores at home. You will need maximum support and help from your spouse. So make sure you explain your schedule to them and express freely as to where all you will need help around the house.
·      Talk to your employer. After understanding your syllabus in detail, make sure to get your employer on board with your study schedule. You want to hold on to your job during the whole time, so be sincere and honest at your workplace and do not take on things, which you may fail to deliver due to other commitments.
·      Take time off. With so many things on your plate, taking on a hobby or finding any time to just sit and relax may look impossible. But make sure to set aside some down time instead of it always being about planning, routines, assignments and work commitments. If you are not having fun, you may just snap and give up at some point.
·      This goes without saying but choose the right course. There is a reason that after so long, you are choosing to back to studies. Make sure to choose the right college and course; one that will actually help you earn more money and get more job satisfaction when you are through.
·      Do not explain your decision to everyone. You may get lots of conflicting opinions about becoming a student again, but in the end only you know what is right for you so do not be afraid to go after your dreams.

Part Time MBA can be just as extensive and worth it if done from the right institute.  If you are sacrificing family time and reducing work hours, so that you can get a degree then make sure to be fully committed to your course.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Choosing Advertising Courses in Mumbai

If you enjoy coming up with creative ideas for brands to push their new products or existing products with new features and innovations, then advertising may just be the industry for you. If you have to trace back to the origin of advertising, it works on few but very solid principles. The multi-billion dollar industry thrives on creating need and lack in the minds of consumers. Somehow the lack of a certain car or a certain mobile phone can trigger feelings of inadequacy. On the other hand, using a certain body spray or facial cream can make you feel a lot more confident and pretty. If you think that you get and comprehend the human psyche, then by all means go ahead with your research on advertising courses in Mumbai.

Advertising today is a way bigger umbrella than it was five or seven years ago. Social media forms the backbone of all kinds of advertising campaigns today. It is safe to say that an advertising campaign, without social media is better off not done at all! Everyone from FMGC brands to political parties to medical institutes to ecommerce labels are using social media to create brand identity, brand awareness and brand recall. So it goes without saying that while choosing from advertising courses in Mumbai, it is advised to go with a course, which gives you 360 degree in-depth exposure to all aspects of advertising.

While it is a good idea to keep your options open as to what exactly you want to do in advertising, it is always beneficial to have some sort of a plan. Do you like copywriting? Are you jingles and slogan writing kind of person? Do you prefer to work on ideas for billboards and hoardings? How about TVCs (commercials)? Do you have what is takes to work into the wee hours of the morning on a commercial set? Or do you prefer to work on ideas related to Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook? Everything from logo design to search engine marketing falls under advertising; what expertise do you want to get into?

Talking to someone who is already working in advertising is a fantastic way to know what to expect and what not to expect when you start studying to become an ad guru. The way an industry looks on the outside and the way it functions on the inside are poles apart. So not getting caught off guard will save you from wasting a lot of your time. Working in the advertising department of a fashion magazine may be a lot different from working on a campaign for the Indian Premier League. Just like medicine has myriad branches and sub branches, advertising too has multiple categories. So get out there, talk to a few people, study their job profiles, study their pay rolls and find out what drives you.

Once you have done more research on what exactly you want to do in advertising, your thesis should shed way more clarity as to which institute will add a lot of weight to your resume when you get out and look for a job. Knowledge is power and in an ever evolving industry like advertising, you have to be willing to constantly upgrade your knowledge – whether it is by getting acquainted with a new gadget or by learning a new skill.

In all likelihood, a course in advertising and a career in the ad world, will take you completely out of your comfort zone and keep you on your toes. It is an exciting industry with a great future; so long as you choose from the right advertising courses in Mumbai and are willing sweat it out!