Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Careers other than MBA

Some people are of the opinion that once they do their MBA, everything in their professional life will be laid out in front of them on a silver platter. Others are of the opinion that getting hands on work experience in their desired field will help them gain mastery over time; MBA may not necessarily be the right step for these people. Every year, when millions of students across the globe graduate from colleges, they make an important career decision, which will probably affect their entire professional life. 

For some that decision is taking the responsibility of pursuing a Master’s Degree and for others it is finally taking on full time employment. Some may choose the middle path of working and doing a part time course. The whole idea behind doing a MBA is keeping your options open after graduating from business school. But what are the other career choices for students wanting to study further?

If you are fairly certain of the industry you want to gain mastery of, then by all means get enrolled in a specialized course pertaining to that industry instead of doing MBA. You can obviously do your MBA by specializing in a specific field like finance or marketing, but if there is a possibility of doing an absolute niche course, then go ahead and choose that.

If you are thinking of starting your own venture and are also keen on studying further, then doing a part time post graduate course is your best bet. Earning and learning at the same time is definitely worth it, as long as you can juggle the two without creating a giant mess.

It is very important to remember that when you join a company, your cost to the company will always be calculated after evaluating your worth. So if you clearly see yourself as a Social Media Manager for a renowned digital agency, then make sure to get the right knowledge for the right job. With everything going digital, there is no industry that is shutting out social media, so your options would be wide open.

Remember that in some cases MBA can be done once you have done a specialized course in your skill area – like fashion, beauty, baking or photography. Once you have your skill in place and some relevant work experience, you can always do your MBA to get the edge and scout out for senior positions in that industry, or to start your own company.

Job satisfaction is extremely important today, as most people spend a large chunk of their day working. Do what you love and love what you do.

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